
Founder - Helena Blavatsky

The following explanatory statement drawn up by Robert Crosbie for the information of all theosophists, was made public concurrently with the foundation of The United Lodge of Theosophists and the adoption of its DECLARATION by himself and the seven original Associates, on February 18, 1909.

The United Lodge of Theosophists is an integral part of the Theosophical Movement begun in New York in 1875. It is — as the name implies – an Association of Theosophists irrespective of organization, who are bound together by the tie of common aim, purpose and teaching, in the cause of Theosophy. Theosophy, being the origin, basis and genius of every Theosophical organization, forms in itself a common ground of interest and effort, above and beyond all differences of opinion as to persons or methods; and being the philosophy of Unity, it calls for the essential union of those who profess and promulgate it. This Union does not mean a sameness of organization or method, but a friendly recognition, mutual assistance and encouragement among all engaged in the furtherance of Theosophy.

Founder - Helena Blavatsky
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Co-founder of Theosophical Movement

Founder - Helena Blavatsky
William Quan Judge

Co-founder and Co-messenger of the Theosophical Movement

Founder - Helena Blavatsky
Mr. Robert Crosbie

Founder of the United Lodge Of Theosophists